Take note of this post because it will be very useful for when you want to write something in English, since to do a good writing it is necessary to take into account many details, among them is the use of commas in English.
Grammarly blog, article available in: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/comma-splice/#:~:text=When%20you%20join%20two%20independent,actually%20bears%2C%20they%20are%20marsupials.
What Is
a Comma Splice?
A comma splice is particular kind of comma
mistake that happens when you use a comma to join two independent clauses.
Here’s an example:
Incorrect: Koala bears are not actually bears, they are
How can you tell that’s a comma splice? Look at the group of words
before the comma.
Koala bears
are not actually bears
Did you notice that this group of words can stand by itself as a
complete sentence? That means it’s an independent clause.
Now look at the group of words after the comma.
They are
This group of words can also stand by itself as a complete sentence.
It’s another independent clause.
How to
Fix a Comma Splice
There are three common ways to fix a comma splice. Let’s look at a new
I am not
angry with you, I am not happy with you, either.
One way to fix a comma splice is to add a conjunction immediately after the
comma. With most comma splices, the conjunction you’ll want to add is
probably and, but, or so.
I am not
angry with you, but I am not happy with you, either.
Fix #2:
Change the Comma to a Semicolon
If adding a conjunction doesn’t seem to work, you can change the comma
to a semicolon instead. Unlike
commas, semicolons are strong enough to glue two independent
clauses together.
I am not
angry with you; I am not happy with you, either.
If you decide to use a semicolon, make sure there is a close, logical
connection between the two independent clauses.
Fix #3:
Make Separate Sentences
If adding a conjunction doesn’t seem to work and using a semicolon feels
too stuffy, you can fix a comma splice by simply making each independent clause
a separate sentence.
Correct: I am not angry with
you. I am not happy with you, either.
Examples of Comma Splices
Are you getting the hang of it? Here are a few more examples of comma
splices and possible corrections.
I’m thinking
of skipping English class, it’s really boring.
Adding a conjunction like and or but after
the comma in the sentence above doesn’t really make sense. But there does seem
to be a close, logical connection between the first independent clause (I’m
thinking of skipping English class) and the second independent clause (it’s
really boring). This is the perfect situation for a semicolon.
I’m thinking
of skipping English class; it’s really boring.
You could also break those two independent clauses apart and make them
separate sentences.
I’m thinking
of skipping English class. It’s really boring.
Comma Splices Ever OK?
Yes! You should avoid comma splices in formal writing, but now that you
know the rule, you can sometimes break it in more artistic types of writing. In fiction, for instance, you might use a
comma splice to convey a character’s racing thoughts or observations.
Example: She was beautiful, she
was gorgeous, she was ravishing.
Comma splices can also create a sense of grandeur in rhetoric, but only
if they’re used sparingly.
I came, I
saw, I conquered.
And in poetry, of course, the rules are even more relaxed. Sometimes, a
comma splice creates just the right rhythm.
Do not go
gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day…
That’s it! Now you’re ready to get out there and use your commas with
confidence. Here is a video you can see, for more information.
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